The Burchland Mfg. Material Roller is a productivity tool that can save hundreds of hours installing erosion control blankets of all types. It can also be used for other rolled materials such as non-woven geotextiles, straw blankets, and geo-grids. |
This labor saving erosion control device can cut your man hours and double your productivity at the same time. Dan Neaton of Neaton Bros. Erosion Control in Watertown, MN uses a roller on all of their erosion control blanket jobs. He says; "Before we began using a roller, we had a six person crew to handle carrying the rolls, rolling and stapling. We could install 8000 sq. yards on a good day. Now, with the roller, we can install 20,000 sq. yards a day with a 5 person crew." Kurt Pfaffinger of Trees Unlimited Inc. in Hampshire, IL says, "By utilizing the EZR Material Roller we have cut our erosion control blanket installation times in half." |
The boom on the Material Roller can be controlled from the cab. It can swing 180° to unroll from the right or left side of the skid steer. The boom can also be positioned straight out from the cab to unload rolls directly from a trailer. This allows the contractor to use larger rolls that could not be handled manually. This saves material cost and time. |